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Spring: MID APRIL - END June

Summer: EARLY July - LATE August

Fall: MID SEPTEMBER - MID December

Winter: early January - late March

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About ASAC


Our Mission


ASAC Strives to enrich the lives of children with chess lessons on the board and life lessons off the board. Learn more here.

Our Programs


ASAC hosts virtual chess lessons and tournaments so your child can play from anywhere in the world! Learn more about our lessons and upcoming tournaments here.

Our Impact


ASAC leaves a lasting impact on the lives of our students by creating life-changing experiences that expose them to the world, boost their self-confidence, and challenge them in ways they’ve never known.

From 2016 - 2019 our Bahamas players from a tiny island traveled to not only compete, but win in chess tournaments internationally.

These young players have explored Winston Salem, North Carolina, New York City, Chicago, IL, Bay Area, New York, and most recently in the summer of 2024 Washington D.C. !

 ASAC Calendar at a Glance

Our School & Community Partners

A Step Ahead Chess is looking to partner with like minded organizations that aim to plant seeds into children that transcend into real, lasting impact.

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